Looking for a driving school to that offers driving lessons that fulfill CA DMV licensing requirements for teens? With CaliforniaOnlineDrivingSchool.com, you get lessons by Drivers Ed Direct: a licensed driving school and so much more. Not only do we teach basic driving skills in both residential and business districts, we also offer advanced classes for freeway driving, canyon driving, and DMV drive test preparation. Combine this with our state-of-the-art training vehicles, our industry-renowned instructors, and state-approved curriculum and you have a driving school experience that can't be beat!
Our driving lesson curriculum is designed by a traffic safety consultant for the State of California
All applicable driver training packages come with DMV completion certificates with free delivery (and rush delivery available for an additional charge)
Get access to online resources to further develop you driving experience: parking simulation game, drunk driving resources, and drivers ed videos
Not only are our Instructors qualified, they are friendly, patient, and have had prior experience working with youths
We teach students to developing a good driving attitude that is both courteous to other drivers and utilizes defensive driving techniques
Get residential driving lessons: includes basic driving techniques like braking, acceleration, performing turns, curbside parking, and pulling into driveways
Each lesson begins with a review of previous lesson topics to ensure that student is ready to move on to more advanced techniques
We offer additional DMV Drive Test Lessons that allow students to prepare for their DMV road test and then actually take the DMV test in our training vehicle. We'll pick you up!